County of Mohave: Animal Control
950 Buchanan Street
Kingman, Arizona 86401
(928) 753-2727 |
For The Love of Paws
Oatman Road
Kingman, Arizona
(928) 897-7304 |
Help Animals Lives Today
6625 N Massachusetts Drive
Kingman, Arizona 86409
(928) 692-8940 |
Keepers of the Wild - Wild Animal Sanctuary
13441 E Hwy 66
Valentine, AZ 86437-1109
(928) 769-1877 |
Kingman Animal Control - Animal Pickup & Enforcement
2730 East Andy Devine Avenue
Kingman, Arizona 86401
(928) 753-2191 |
Kingman Animal Shelter
950 Buchanan Street
Kingman, Arizona 86401
(928) 753 2727 |
Mutt Matchers & Friends
1001 Buchanan Street
Kingman, Arizona 86401
(928) 718-4364 |
Niki's Pals 4 Paws, Inc.
417 S. Kirkland Road,
PMB 1197
Golden Valley, AZ. 86413
Beth (928) 897-9033
Ruth (702) 299-4254 |
R.U.F.F.F. - No-Kill Animal Sanctuary
Golden Valley, Arizona
(928) 565-2275 |
The Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary
P.O. Box 6763
Kingman, AZ 86402
(928) 692-3209 |